Cat Goes Fishing, an indie title developed by Catfishbox, debuted in 2015 under the helm of British studio Catfishbox. Players guide a feline protagonist on angling adventures, utilizing a rod and line to reel in various aquatic creatures from expansive waters. These catches can then be exchanged for coins, facilitating the acquisition of upgrades for the cat's angling arsenal.
- Originally conceived during Ludum Dare 26, this project evolved from a prototype into a fully-fledged release. Its allure lies in straightforward yet captivating gameplay, endearing visuals, and a serene ambiance.
- Joe Williams, the British indie developer, spearheaded the creation of this fishing simulation gem.
- Available across PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android platforms, the game has amassed over 2 million downloads.
- Critics laud its engaging mechanics, with 50 distinct fish species and over 100 diverse levels adding depth to the experience.
- The game's retro-inspired art style reminiscent of 8-bit and 16-bit eras further contributes to its charm. Sergey Eybog's melodic compositions, comprising tranquil tunes, complement the gameplay, enhancing the immersive atmosphere.
Receiving acclaim from reviewers, Cat Goes Fishing boasts an impressive 87% rating on Metacritic. Its widespread availability on various platforms ensures accessibility to a broad audience.